What is Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT)

Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) is a therapeutic treatment that integrates animals with intention and purpose into psychotherapy, with interventions designed to benefit the cognitive, social and emotional functioning of the client.


The impact that animals have during a therapy session at Animal-Assisted Therapy of the Mountain Communities (AATMC) is profound because seeing the therapist display positive regard, caring containing behavior toward her animal, together with the animals’ reaction of trust toward the therapist and expecting positive behavior and protection from the therapist, can be seen as proof of the authenticity of the therapist’s good intentions and trustworthiness.

Bringing our therapy animals into therapeutic sessions allows clients, children, teens as well as adults to explore and engage in relationship in the present moment. AAT therapy focuses on the experiential moment within relationships as it is only possible to truly know ourselves as we exist in relation to other things.


At AATMC, the animal-assisted therapy approach provides opportunities for clients to engage in relationships where the animals offers an insight to the quality and nature of contact and the animals provide much needed feedback to our clients actions, behavior, energy and language, both verbal and non-verbal. The process of relating to a therapy animal brings about natural integration of the mind and body, thought and feeling, spontaneity and deliberateness. It deepens the client’s awareness of contact styles and choices and responsibilities within relationships. Intimate moments emerge through non-verbal exchanges, this communication between client-therapist-animal is where real change and healing can happen.

Animal Assisted Therapy Evergreen dog therapy

animal assisted therapy evergreen, therapy with cats


Methods in AAT include openmindedness, open curiosity and a detailed description of what is observed through all the therapist’s senses. AAT provides for a non-interpretive stance so the client can make his own meaning from his interactions with the animals. Therapy animals are excellent role models because they are attuned to clients shifting energy, breath, and movement and they provide us with a deeper understanding of emotional processes.


Another important aspect of AAT is the healing power of touch and to be touched, dogs and horses in particular seek touch and like to touch also.  The soothing impact of petting or grooming creates a lasting experience for the client and helps foster healing from the pain of grief and loss.

AAT is an “out of the box” approach to therapy, usually tried when traditional therapy methods have not succeeded.